Not even cold - Culture

The Stave churches

19 Juin , 2020  

Les églises en bois debout - Même pas froid

All rights reserved © Illustrations : Raphaëlle Taschet Text : Anne-Sophie Drouet Follow us on social media : Facebook Instagram

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Not even cold - Culture

The « nordic nap » : sleeping outside, away from indoor pollution

5 Mar , 2020  

La sieste nordique - Une blonde en Norvège

The « nordic nap » : sleeping outside, away from indoor pollution! All rights reserved © Illustrations : Raphaëlle Taschet Text : Anne-Sophie Drouet Follow us on social media : Facebook Instagram

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Not even cold - Culture

Refleks : shining creatures

27 Jan , 2020  

Not Even Cold - Shining creatures

Refleks : shining creatures All rights reserved © Illustrations : Raphaëlle Taschet Text : Anne-Sophie Drouet Follow us on social media : Facebook Instagram

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Not even cold - Culture

Welcome to Norway

13 Déc , 2019  

Not Even Cold - Welcome to Norway

Welcome to Norway The Norwegian alphabet has 29 letters, 3 more vowels than in French: the « æ », « å » and « ø ». The « o » are pronounced [o] in front of two consonants and [u] or [or] in front of one consonant, the « e » are pronounced [a], some « y » are pronounced [or] too. Sometimes we don’t pronounce certain consonants in the middle or end of the word. Well, some difficulties then! There are 3 official languages: bokmål, nynorsk and sámi, and more than 100 different dialects. In fact, there are ways of speaking and specific words in each region. A dialect is not just an accent, they use different words and Norwegian is a tonal language. Sometimes even native Norwegians find it difficult to understand each other because of dialects. All rights reserved © Illustrations : Raphaëlle Taschet Text : Anne-Sophie Drouet Follow us on social media : Facebook Instagram


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